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Friday, April 4, 2014

Story Hour at Hagatna Library

On March 22, 2104 at the Hagatna public library, I was joined with Toni Salas and Jenny Castro to read some books to the children from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Dr. Rivera joined us later that morning along with other two members of their organization. Jenny and I read two books to the children and Toni read them a story in Chamorro  and also translated it in English. The children really enjoyed the story books as well as learning some Chamorro words since last month was Chamorro month. As I sat back and watched as Jenny and Toni enthusiastically read their story books to the children I realized how much I have missed doing this everyday.  When it was my turn to read to the children I felt so excited instead of being nervous. I watched as each kid smiles and interacts with Toni and Jenny through out the story read-a-loud. On this day, I have come to realized that teaching is truly something that I enjoy doing. I guess I had forgot about it for the past two years because I am not in the classroom but I am so thankful that I had this opportunity to open my eyes again and see that teaching is my passion. Like I said not only seeing the children made me realized what I am missing out on but also watching Jenny and Toni interact with each kid. Seeing them and how they were so passionate with each kid made me realized that I need to get back in to the classroom. This was a fun and exciting day for me. 


  1. It was indeed a great experience. I'm glad we did it!

  2. Oh my gosh, you guys! That looks like fun! I really wish I could have been there :'( I love reading stories to kids and think that I do awesome voices. D; I'm so happy for you guys though :)
