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Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 6 Sometimes

I feel like it's been quite a while since we've met face-to-face, and although that I am very grateful that it allots us time to do our assignments on our own, I honestly miss you gals.  Also, it gives me a reason to get away from the house.  Hahaha!

So, this blog entry is entitled "Sometimes".  I sometimes feel that as I watch my students, I would like to reward them more for their progress.  As an ESL teacher, I get the benefit of watching many of my students blossom from not only a year, but for three.  I've had several students who were struggling academically, linguistically, and behavior-wise, and have now become better students, more proficient learners, and kinder and better individuals.  I know these are the true benefits of teaching and these are what keep many of us going :)  Hence, whatever raise we receive (my Hay Study increase is 30$- I'm not ashamed) and however grateful I am for mine, I know that I've done a good job when I witness this with my students.  I know that they are not the only ones who have progressed.  I can honestly say that I am a better teacher today than I was a year ago.  And that's a very comforting thought.  :)

World unity


  1. Ruthee,

    I am always looking forward to reading your post every week. I know how your feel and you should give yourself a thumbs up for helping them get to where they need to be. Thank you for being an awesome Teacher! I love the picture!

  2. Thanks, Beauty! ^_^ See you on Friday :)
